Announcement of the Board of Directors' Resolution to Handle the Public Issuance and OTC Listing Application for the 2018 Private Placement of Common Shares

Announcement of the Board of Directors' Resolution to Handle the Public Issuance and OTC Listing Application for the 2018 Private Placement of Common Shares


Announcement of the Board of Directors' Resolution to Handle the Public Issuance and OTC Listing Application for the 2018 Private Placement of Common Shares

Announcement of the Board of Directors' Resolution to Handle the Public Issuance and OTC Listing Application for the 2018 Private Placement of Common Shares

  1. Date of Occurrence: August 8, 2024
  2. Company Name: GameSparcs Co., Ltd.
  3. Relationship with the Company (please specify "the company itself" or "subsidiary"): The company itself
  4. Mutual Shareholding Ratio: Not applicable
  5. Cause of Occurrence:
    In 2018, the company conducted a private placement of 10,500,000 common shares. As the three-year lock-up period from the delivery date has expired and the profitability conditions comply with the regulations stipulated in the "Criteria Governing Review of Securities Traded on the Over-the-Counter Markets by Securities Firms," the company plans to apply to the Taipei Exchange (TPEx) for a letter of approval. Upon receiving approval, the company will file with the Financial Supervisory Commission's Securities and Futures Bureau to complete the supplementary public issuance. Only after the public issuance is completed can the company apply for the OTC listing of its privately placed common shares. The Chairman is authorized to handle the relevant procedures and schedules in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, depending on actual circumstances.
  6. Response Measures: Apply to the competent authority for the supplementary public issuance.
  7. Other Matters to be Stated: None. (If the subject of this event or resolution is a publicly traded company, this material information also meets the criteria set forth in Article 7, Paragraph 9 of the "Regulations Governing the Scope of Material Information and the Means of its Public Disclosure under the Securities and Exchange Act," as it may have a significant impact on shareholder rights or the company's stock price.)