Intellectual Property Management

Sustainable Governance

ESG Task Force Risk Management Integrity Management Intellectual Property Management Information Security and Privacy Management Customer Service and Satisfaction Supplier Management Stakeholder Communication

Intellectual Property Management


Our company has always placed great importance on intellectual property. The ownership and utilization of intellectual property rights have become a symbol of our company's competitive strength. To enhance the organization's intellectual property management mindset, we periodically organize training and promotional courses on intellectual property protection and preventing the leakage of important trade secrets, implementing the company's intellectual property management system to improve industry competitiveness and company development, ensuring the company's sustainability. The main intellectual property management plans include the management of trademarks, copyrights, and trade secret protection, which are outlined as follows:


Trademark Management Strategy


In addition to being intangible assets of the company, trademarks are closely related to the company's brand recognition, channel marketing, and image management, which provide competitive advantages. Our legal department regularly reviews the use of registered trademarks to assess the necessity of continuing maintenance. Based on the company's future development plans, we proactively apply for new trademark registrations and track trademark applications, monitor counterfeits in the market, strengthen marketing efforts, and ensure consistent use of trademarks. Furthermore, when applying for trademarks, using trademark-identifying text, or releasing press materials, we implement a trademark search mechanism to avoid the risk of infringing on others' trademark rights.


Copyright and Trade Secret Protection


The company has established relevant regulations to protect copyrights and internal trade secrets, and has set up a dedicated unit to monitor the implementation of protection measures in order to safeguard the company's intellectual property assets.


Computer Programs, Art, Audiovisual Works, etc.

The company has agreements with employees outlining the ownership of creations arising from their duties during their employment, which remain in effect even after they leave the company.


Access Control and Security Management

The company requires employees to wear identification badges. Visitors must fill out a form detailing their visit's purpose and sign a confidentiality statement. If necessary, they must be accompanied by an employee at all times.


Information Security Management

The company has established "Information Security Management Guidelines," requiring computer devices to be logged in with employees' personal accounts and passwords, with regular password changes. Access rights to electronic storage spaces are set based on employees' roles. Employees are strictly prohibited from using unauthorized software or illegal reproductions. The company requires employees to maintain confidentiality of sensitive company information and adhere to non-compete clauses in their employment contracts. Use of confidential or sensitive information must comply with the company's regulations.


Trade Secret Protection

The company requires employees, in their work rules and employment contracts, to maintain confidentiality of sensitive company information and adhere to non-compete clauses. Use of confidential or sensitive information must comply with the company's regulations, and periodic email reminders are sent to all employees to promote trade secret protection and non-compete obligations during employment.


Execution Status


The company reports intellectual property matters to the board of directors at least once a year. The most recent report was submitted on May 9, 2024, and the main execution items are as follows:


DateExecution Content
2023.03.30Legal department conducted intellectual property and trade secret training
2023.05.08The General Manager approved the company's "Information Security Management Guidelines"
2023.05.08The board approved the revision of the "Financial and Non-Financial Information Management Guidelines," clearly defining the regulations for storing, transmitting, and using confidential or sensitive information


  • Trademark Status: In 2024, the company acquired a total of 31 exclusive trademark rights.