Announcement of Company’s Plan to Invest in Establishing a Subsidiary

Announcement of Company’s Plan to Invest in Establishing a Subsidiary


Announcement of Company’s Plan to Invest in Establishing a Subsidiary

  1. Date of Event: 2024/05/09
  2. Company Name: Longzhong Network Co., Ltd.
  3. Relationship with the Company: Parent Company
  4. Cross-Shareholding Ratio: Not applicable
  5. Reason for the Event: To expand its business scope, the board of directors has authorized the chairman to handle matters related to the establishment of a subsidiary within a 2 million euro budget.
  6. Countermeasures: None.
  7. Other Matters to Note: There are no matters that may significantly impact shareholder rights or securities prices, in accordance with Article 7, Clause 9 of the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Securities and Exchange Act.