
Corporate Governance

Overview Board of Directors Functional Committee Internal Audit Organization and Operation



Corporate Governance GameSparcs has defined the corporate governance framework and practices in accordance with the Taiwan Securities and Exchange Act, and other relevant laws and regulations, in order to fulfill the responsibility of enterprise operators and to protect the interests and rights of investors and other stakeholders. GameSparcs’ Board delegates various responsibilities and authority to two Board Committees, Audit Committee and Compensation Committee to assist the Board in fulfilling its supervisory duties.


When setting up the corporate governance principles, in addition to complying with relevant laws, regulations, and articles of incorporation, the Company follows the following principles:

  1. Establish an effective corporate governance structure.
  2. Protect the rights and interests of shareholders.
  3. Strengthen the powers of the board of directors.
  4. Respect the rights and interests of stakeholders.
  5. Enhance information transparency.
  6. Enhancing Information Transparency

The Board of Directors approved the establishment of a Corporate Governance Officer on May 11, 2022, and assigned qualified personnel in sufficient numbers to handle corporate governance-related matters. The corporate governance tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Company registration and change registration
  2. Assist the board of directors and shareholders' meetings with procedures and resolutions on compliance matters.
  3. Provide directors with the information they need to perform their business and the latest legal developments related to operating the company to assist directors in complying with laws.
  4. Assist in handling matters related to director changes, director appointment and continuing education.
  5. Matters related to investor relations (Investor Conference conference).

2024 Corporate Governance Officer Training Status


DateOrganizing EntitySubjectHours
August 8TCGATrends and Risk Management of Generative AI3HR
September 6OTCInsider Stock Ownership Awareness Seminar3HR
November 6Accounting Research and Development FoundationPractical Investigation of Corporate Fraud and Case Analysis6HR
November 11TCGATrends and Risk Management of Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence3HR
November 19SFISustainability Committee and Chief Sustainability Officer Forum3HR


Corporate Governance Structure





Corporate Governance Implementation Status


YearCorporate Governance Implementation Status 
2023 Corporate Governance Report


The Prevention of Insider Trading


The company has drawn up the "Procedures for the Prevention of Insider Trading" which prohibits insiders from trading securities using unpublished information in the market. The company prevents insider trading by controlling key points in its operations, which prevents Company insiders (employees, managers, and directors) from exploiting non-public information to trade securities. The company held regular training on preventing insider trading. Implementing of Rules and Procedures:


1.When directors are elected or dismissing, the company provides directors' regulations and publicity manuals, and to explain related regulations such as communication insider trading and short-term trading to directors. 

2.When the manager on board as insider, the company provides the relevant laws and regulations for the change of insider’s equity. The company shall provide education and advocacy in a timely manner within three months of employment. 

3.To protect its shareholders' rights and interests and ensure their equal treatment, the company shall adopt internal rules prohibiting company insiders from trading securities using information not disclosed to the market. Insiders shall not trade the company's stock within thirty days before the annual financial report is announced and within fifteen days before each quarterly financial report is announced during the lock-up period. None of the company's insiders trade the company’s stock during the lock-up period.


DateSubjectFrequencyTarget Audience
September 27, 2024Definition and regulation of insider tradingper year Staff
End of Each MonthSend E-mail reminders to Directors and Insiders for prohibiting stock transactions during closed periodsper monthDirectors and Insider


Succession Planning and Operations for Key Management Personnel


The company, through its human resources department, formulates talent development strategies by defining key management positions, planning successors, and establishing succession mechanisms. Based on the professional expertise, strengths, and development potential of candidates, training resources are effectively focused to support their development:


  1. Evaluate Existing Employees
    • Based on corporate culture and core values, core competencies and management competencies are established. Systematic assessments are conducted to classify general employees and managers according to standard models.
    • Through the "Talent Nine-Box Grid," the functional potential and performance of existing members are comprehensively evaluated, identifying high-potential talents to be included in the talent reserve pool and ensuring suitable successor candidates for each management level.
  2. Develop Training Framework
    • Based on the competency assessment results of each management level, competency gaps are analyzed and training programs are designed, such as leadership programs for middle managers and management programs for new supervisors.
    • Annual strategic consensus workshops are held for mid- and senior-level managers and the CEO, focusing on future strategic goals. Discussions and planning cover topics such as systems thinking, performance management, talent development, organizational change and renewal, change management, strategic thinking, strategy maps, and leadership succession. Progress is tracked quarterly.
    • General training programs are organized to address the competency gaps of regular employees, such as project management, meeting management, time management, and presentation skills.
    • Internal seminars and sharing sessions are occasionally held, covering industry knowledge, technological innovations, and professional skills.
  3. Integrate Company and Departmental Objectives